Ceylon Cinnamon Health Benefits
Research suggests it may inhibit tau formation in the brain which is a marker of Alzheimers disease. It has a tan-brown color with a mildly sweet and spicy flavor. Benefits Of Ceylon Cinnamon Faq On Ceylon Spices Better dental health is yet another of the top health benefits of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon health benefits . The search for a natural way to keep blood sugar levels normal began more than a decade ago when ARS chemist Richard A. 6 Ceylon Cinnamon Benefits Ceylon cinnamon not only tastes great but its also full of anti-inflammatory properties that can help with digestion. Ceylon cinnamon may have some health benefits but unfortunately the evidence is pretty limited. The Ceylon Medical Journal. It helps with blood sugar regulation blood pressure brain health and offers antimicrobial properties too. A summary of the current evidence Ceylon Med J. Journal of Dietary Supplements. Authors P Ranasinghe 1 P Galappaththy. Ceylon cinnamon is also rich. Th...