Interesting Facts About Fish
Some fish species can make audible sounds like clicks or croaks but most fish communicate with body language. Most brands of lipstick contain fish scales. Fun Facts About Fish Page 1 Line 17qq Com Other fish hold onto the eggs fertilizing them inside the body of the female fish and release the eggs only after hatching. Interesting facts about fish . The fish is caught in deeper water. Some fish float slowly in place or wedge themselves into rocks or corals which may indicate a reduced amount of metabolic activity. 2 Comments on 25 Interesting Anglerfish Facts Anglerfish live in the deepest parts of the world oceans where the water is cold the pressure reaches. In this way growth rings are formed and the rings reveal the age of a fish. It means animal which has a backbone and can breathe through gills in the water. Fish have gills slippery scales and lay eggs. These fish are called live-bearing fish which platy fish also are. Here are some of the important ingredie...