Can You Use Regular Vinegar For Yeast Infection
Some people find soaking in an apple cider vinegar bath offers relief as the vinegar can help restore normal acidity to the vagina. All you have to do is to prepare a solution by mixing one quart of clean warm water and 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Treat Yeast Infection Symptoms And Home Remedies Femina In You should prepare a washcloth water and apple cider vinegar for yeast infection soak as below. Can you use regular vinegar for yeast infection . Apple cider vinegar will also work if you do not have any white vinegar on hand. Apple cider vinegar is also used on a regular basis for preventing the risks of yeast infections and for the mild symptoms of this condition. Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar reduces the possibility of yeast infection development. Add two cups of vinegar to a shallow warmnot hotbath and soak for 15 minutes. It also prevents further yeast formation and growth by regulating the vaginas natural pH. The best way to use vinegar to cure ...