How To Make Homemade Hand Soap
Place soap into chosen dispenser. Add Castile soap in last 13 of bottle no need to measure just add some soap to top off the dispenser but make sure not to get it too full. Diy Homemade Liquid Hand Soap Live Simply Add about 10-20 drops essential oil I used about 10 drops of lavender. How to make homemade hand soap . Top your mason jar with a rust proof soap pump. Using a small foam soap dispenser fill ¼ of it with castile soap. It literally takes like 2 minutes to make and BOOM. Add 15-25 drops of. How to make homemade hand soap. About 30 drops of your preferred essential oil should be fine per pound of soap base. An Easy DIY Foaming Hand Soap. This recipe is so easy to make. DIY Essential Oil Hand Soap Directions. Add 2 Tbsp liquid castile soap to the top. So if you want to make one pound of lavender soap you should use one pound of soap base and 30 drops of lavender essential oil. Lavender oil or tea tree oil works best. Fill soap dispenser wi...